Threatspeech CTOC


MI5 Direc­tor Gen­er­al gives threat update for the UK

MI5 Direc­tor Gen­er­al, Ken McCal­lum, began his speech by pro­vid­ing an update on the threat to the UK from ter­ror­ism, stat­ing that since March 2017, MI5 and the police have togeth­er dis­rupt­ed 43 late-stage attack plots.

The head­line split of counter ter­ror­ist work remains rough­ly 75% Islamist extrem­ist, 25% extreme right-wing ter­ror­ism. But under that head­line, much has shift­ed. Straight­for­ward labels like Islamist ter­ror­ism” or extreme right wing” don’t ful­ly reflect the dizzy­ing range of beliefs and ide­olo­gies that are seen.

McCal­lum said there are more volatile would-be ter­ror­ists with only a ten­u­ous grasp of the ide­olo­gies they pro­fess to fol­low. Peo­ple view­ing both extreme right wing and Islamist extrem­ist instruc­tion­al mate­r­i­al, along with oth­er bits of online hatred, con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries and disinformation.

It’s hard­er these days for inves­ti­ga­tors and their police coun­ter­parts to quick­ly and defin­i­tive­ly deter­mine whether an act of vio­lence is ide­o­log­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed or dri­ven by anoth­er fac­tor like men­tal health.

He also spoke of wor­ry­ing num­bers of young peo­ple being involved in ter­ror­ism. 13 per cent of all those being inves­ti­gat­ed by MI5 for involve­ment in UK ter­ror­ism are under 18 — this rep­re­sents a three­fold increase in the last three years. This is par­tic­u­lar­ly the case for extreme-right-wing ter­ror­ism, which, accord­ing to McCal­lum, is dri­ven by pro­pa­gan­da that shows a can­ny under­stand­ing of online culture”.

In both Islamist extrem­ist and extreme right-wing ter­ror­ism, lone indi­vid­u­als, who are indoc­tri­nat­ed online, con­tin­ue to make up most of the threats. How­ev­er it is dif­fi­cult to sep­a­rat­ed the real plot­ters from arm­chair extremists’.

McCal­lum spoke of the prob­lems with aspects of the inter­net and encryp­tion, high­light­ing the impor­tance of law­ful access to com­mu­ni­ca­tions co-exist­ing with privacy.

Speak­ing of the online world, he said: the insid­i­ous effect of inter­net hatred and dis­in­for­ma­tion has played into threats to elec­tion can­di­dates, intim­i­da­tion of com­mu­ni­ties, and the pub­lic dis­or­der that fol­lowed the sick­en­ing attack in Southport”.

Mov­ing on to the con­flict in the Mid­dle East, acknowl­edg­ing the Hamas attacks on Israel and con­tin­u­ing loss of life in Gaza and Lebanon, he high­light­ed the impli­ca­tions for Mid­dle East­ern and UK security.

The events in the Mid­dle East could trig­ger ter­ror­ist action in the UK, as has already been seen with a knife attack in Hartlepool.

How­ev­er, McCal­lum said that the ter­ror­ist threat that con­cerns him the most comes from Al-Qae­da and Islam­ic state.

He said: Today’s Islam­ic State is not the force it was a decade ago. But after a few years of being pinned well back, they’ve resumed efforts to export ter­ror­ism. The ISKP attack in Moscow was a bru­tal demon­stra­tion of its capa­bil­i­ties. We and many Euro­pean part­ners are detect­ing IS-con­nect­ed activ­i­ty in our home­lands, which we are mov­ing ear­ly to disrupt.

And Al-Qae­da has sought to cap­i­talise on con­flict in the Mid­dle East, call­ing for vio­lent action.”

The stats high­light that over the last month, more than a third of the top pri­or­i­ty inves­ti­ga­tions have had some form of con­nec­tion, of vary­ing strengths, to organ­ised over­seas ter­ror­ist groups.

He also men­tioned North­ern Ire­land, where the threat lev­el has been reduced to sub­stan­tial, but where there are still aspi­ra­tions to mount attacks.

The speech also high­light­ed state threats. In the last year, the num­ber of state threat inves­ti­ga­tions being run by MI5 has increased by 48 per cent.

Men­tion­ing the war in Ukraine, McCal­lum warned of Putin’s teams mak­ing efforts to attack elsewhere.

Since the war began, more than 750 Russ­ian diplo­mats have been expelled from Europe, which accord­ing to McCal­lum has made a dent in the Russ­ian intel­li­gence ser­vices’ abil­i­ty to cause dam­age in the West.

He also high­light­ed a shift in Russ­ian state actors turn­ing to prox­ies includ­ing pri­vate intel­li­gence oper­a­tives and crim­i­nals from both the UK and third coun­tries. Again, the inter­net is a cru­cial plat­form for con­nect­ing these malign actors.

Mov­ing to Iran, he point­ed out that since the killing Mah­sa Ami­ni in 2022, the num­ber of threats has risen in the UK. Since Jan­u­ary 2022, MI5 has respond­ed to 20 Iran-backed plots pre­sent­ing poten­tial­ly lethal threats to British cit­i­zens and UK residents.

With the ongo­ing con­flict in the Mid­dle East, there is an increased risk of Iran­ian state aggres­sion in the UK.

Sim­i­lar­ly to Rus­sia, Iran­ian state actors are also using crim­i­nals as prox­ies includ­ing inter­na­tion­al drug traf­fick­ers to low-lev­el crooks.

Final­ly, he men­tioned Chi­na, which he said is dif­fer­ent to Rus­sia and Iran. The eco­nom­ic rela­tion­ship between the UK and Chi­na sup­ports UK growth and under­pins secu­ri­ty, but there are risks to be managed.

In con­clu­sion, he said: I’ll con­clude close to home, on some­thing which mat­ters deeply to me: in the end, MI5’s suc­cess in keep­ing this pre­cious coun­try safe is all about our peo­ple. They pro­vide so much of our edge over far larg­er adver­saries. Their self­less­ness in mak­ing tough deci­sions every day, know­ing they will nev­er receive pub­lic recog­ni­tion, is to the ben­e­fit of the whole UK.

I like­wise salute our law enforce­ment, intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty and gov­ern­ment part­ners, domes­ti­cal­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly, whose sup­port and col­lab­o­ra­tion are key to our success.

It is my hon­our to serve along­side the many extra­or­di­nary peo­ple in MI5. When threats loom large, we are defined by those whose ded­i­ca­tion and deter­mi­na­tion keep the coun­try safe”.


Designer 8

Mystery parcel fires were Russian 'test runs' to target cargo flights

A series of parcel fires targeting courier companies in Poland, Germany and the UK were dry runs aimed at sabotaging flights to the US and Canada, Polish prosecutors say.
The Pentagon cropped square

10,000 North Korean troops in Russia's Kursk region

The Pentagon has provided an update on North Korea's involvement in Russia's illegal 2022 invasion of Ukraine and reiterates Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin's previous statement that "should these troops engage in combat support operations against Ukraine, they would become legitimate military targets".
Threatspeech CTOC

MI5 Director General gives threat update for the UK

MI5 Director General Ken McCallum gave his annual update on 8 October 2024, explaining that the threat from terrorism, alongside ongoing efforts by autocratic states to harm the UK, presented the most complex threat environment we have ever seen.
Designer 5

Internet Archive's the 'Way Back Machine' suffers a significant data breach

Internet Archive's "The Wayback Machine" has suffered a data breach after a threat actor compromised the website and stole a user authentication database containing 31 million unique records. News of the breach began circulating this afternoon after visitors to began seeing a JavaScript alert created by the hacker, stating that the Internet Archive was breached.
Moscow Kremlin 8281675670

Russia-paid influencers and trolls step up efforts to influence U.S. election

US Federal actions to limit foreign influence campaigns haven’t deterred Moscow, and Russia’s attempts to influence the 2024 election in favour of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are accelerating, researchers say.
Childrens hospital 1168x440px

Puzzling Pieces: OSINT and War Crime Accountability in Ukraine

A commentary on the RUSI (Royal United Services Institute) website considers the critical role of OSINT in documenting and evidencing war crimes and accountability in modern conflicts, focusing on the war in Ukraine.
Screenshot 2024 09 20 at 4 16 32 PM

Bellingcat OSINT investigation into the origin of exploding pagers in Lebanon

Renowned investigative journalism organisation, Bellingcat, reports significant insight from its extensive Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) investigation into who might have been behind the exploding pagers in Lebanon. Their investigation summary highlights the compelling insight and value that can be delivered via OSINT investigations.
Designer 4

National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) issues cyber threat advisory

A joint advisory issued by NCSC and partners highlights the risk of malicious cyber actors and gives mitigation advice to counter a China-linked campaign targeting thousands of internet-connected devices.
Zackman1404 a group of lawyers involved in technology and digit 82c0a5d9 fe81 4605 b0e9 838f742dadbb

The role of tracing in digital asset disputes

Due Diligence & Enhanced Investigations Reports
Threat Assessments
Information Risk Assurance
Digital assets have arrived and are here to stay. On-chain assets such as cryptocurrencies and Non-Fungible Tokens ('NFTs') have quickly become a discernible and popular investment category. Both are susceptible to hacking. As digital assets proliferate, we have seen a corresponding growth in their misappropriation.
Zackman1404 a group of lawyers involved in technology and digit ad6a3760 604b 4921 a9cb b843ac770ca1

NFTs defined as property – but do they have value?

Due Diligence & Enhanced Investigations Reports
Threat Assessments
Information Risk Assurance
This decision by the High Court – Lavinia Deborah Osbourne v (1) Individuals Unknown (2) Ozone Networks Inc. – has now confirmed that NFTs should be considered property.
Zackman1404 a group of multi cultural people having a chat surr a173e775 7821 4d66 926e e829156e91ef

D'Aloia v Persons Unknown & Others: A welcome decision against crypto-asset fraud?

As news breaks of the collapse of a cryptocurrency exchange due to something as old fashioned as a bank run (aka a liquidity crisis), can we learn from the trajectory of modern banking as to what may be yet to come?
Zackman1404 a group of multi cultural people having a chat surr bffcc659 430f 4178 9391 80cd2fb7b5a9

Worldwide Freezing Orders, Urgent Injunctions and Disclosure Orders Secured at the High Court against Persons Unknown connected with Matic Markets and the Huobi Exchange

Racheal Muldoon of 36 Commercial has secured a total of six worldwide freezing orders, interim injunctions and disclosure orders at the High Court while acting on a direct access basis for a UK resident who had fallen victim to persons unknown operating a suspected cryptocurrency investment scam advertised as ‘Matic Markets’. The FCA issued warnings in respect of Matic Markets on 14th January 2022, 9 days after the first of these orders were secured.
Designer 8

Mystery parcel fires were Russian 'test runs' to target cargo flights

A series of parcel fires targeting courier companies in Poland, Germany and the UK were dry runs aimed at sabotaging flights to the US and Canada, Polish prosecutors say.
The Pentagon cropped square

10,000 North Korean troops in Russia's Kursk region

The Pentagon has provided an update on North Korea's involvement in Russia's illegal 2022 invasion of Ukraine and reiterates Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin's previous statement that "should these troops engage in combat support operations against Ukraine, they would become legitimate military targets".
Threatspeech CTOC

MI5 Director General gives threat update for the UK

MI5 Director General Ken McCallum gave his annual update on 8 October 2024, explaining that the threat from terrorism, alongside ongoing efforts by autocratic states to harm the UK, presented the most complex threat environment we have ever seen.
Designer 5

Internet Archive's the 'Way Back Machine' suffers a significant data breach

Internet Archive's "The Wayback Machine" has suffered a data breach after a threat actor compromised the website and stole a user authentication database containing 31 million unique records. News of the breach began circulating this afternoon after visitors to began seeing a JavaScript alert created by the hacker, stating that the Internet Archive was breached.
Moscow Kremlin 8281675670

Russia-paid influencers and trolls step up efforts to influence U.S. election

US Federal actions to limit foreign influence campaigns haven’t deterred Moscow, and Russia’s attempts to influence the 2024 election in favour of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are accelerating, researchers say.
Childrens hospital 1168x440px

Puzzling Pieces: OSINT and War Crime Accountability in Ukraine

A commentary on the RUSI (Royal United Services Institute) website considers the critical role of OSINT in documenting and evidencing war crimes and accountability in modern conflicts, focusing on the war in Ukraine.
Screenshot 2024 09 20 at 4 16 32 PM

Bellingcat OSINT investigation into the origin of exploding pagers in Lebanon

Renowned investigative journalism organisation, Bellingcat, reports significant insight from its extensive Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) investigation into who might have been behind the exploding pagers in Lebanon. Their investigation summary highlights the compelling insight and value that can be delivered via OSINT investigations.
Designer 4

National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) issues cyber threat advisory

A joint advisory issued by NCSC and partners highlights the risk of malicious cyber actors and gives mitigation advice to counter a China-linked campaign targeting thousands of internet-connected devices.
Zackman1404 a group of lawyers involved in technology and digit 82c0a5d9 fe81 4605 b0e9 838f742dadbb

The role of tracing in digital asset disputes

Due Diligence & Enhanced Investigations Reports
Threat Assessments
Information Risk Assurance
Digital assets have arrived and are here to stay. On-chain assets such as cryptocurrencies and Non-Fungible Tokens ('NFTs') have quickly become a discernible and popular investment category. Both are susceptible to hacking. As digital assets proliferate, we have seen a corresponding growth in their misappropriation.
Zackman1404 a group of lawyers involved in technology and digit ad6a3760 604b 4921 a9cb b843ac770ca1

NFTs defined as property – but do they have value?

Due Diligence & Enhanced Investigations Reports
Threat Assessments
Information Risk Assurance
This decision by the High Court – Lavinia Deborah Osbourne v (1) Individuals Unknown (2) Ozone Networks Inc. – has now confirmed that NFTs should be considered property.
Zackman1404 a group of multi cultural people having a chat surr a173e775 7821 4d66 926e e829156e91ef

D'Aloia v Persons Unknown & Others: A welcome decision against crypto-asset fraud?

As news breaks of the collapse of a cryptocurrency exchange due to something as old fashioned as a bank run (aka a liquidity crisis), can we learn from the trajectory of modern banking as to what may be yet to come?
Zackman1404 a group of multi cultural people having a chat surr bffcc659 430f 4178 9391 80cd2fb7b5a9

Worldwide Freezing Orders, Urgent Injunctions and Disclosure Orders Secured at the High Court against Persons Unknown connected with Matic Markets and the Huobi Exchange

Racheal Muldoon of 36 Commercial has secured a total of six worldwide freezing orders, interim injunctions and disclosure orders at the High Court while acting on a direct access basis for a UK resident who had fallen victim to persons unknown operating a suspected cryptocurrency investment scam advertised as ‘Matic Markets’. The FCA issued warnings in respect of Matic Markets on 14th January 2022, 9 days after the first of these orders were secured.