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World­wide Freez­ing Orders, Urgent Injunc­tions and Dis­clo­sure Orders Secured at the High Court against Per­sons Unknown con­nect­ed with Mat­ic Mar­kets and the Huo­bi Exchange

The Claimant dis­cov­ered a web­site adver­tis­ing the cryp­tocur­ren­cy invest­ment plat­form late last year via a celebri­ty endorsed social media arti­cle. She sub­se­quent­ly set up an account and trans­ferred her Bit­coin to those oper­at­ing the plat­form in the belief that it would be invest­ed on her behalf, accrue in val­ue, and be released to her imme­di­ate­ly on demand. How­ev­er, when she sought to with­draw her ini­tial invest­ment and the report­ed prof­its, she was refused.

Sub­se­quent inves­ti­ga­tions by intel­li­gence and trac­ing firm, MIT­MARK, revealed that short­ly after the Claimant deposit­ed the Bit­coin, it was trans­ferred out of the fraudster’s wal­let with­out her knowl­edge or con­sent. Some of the Bit­coin was traced to a cryp­tocur­ren­cy end wal­let at the Huo­bi exchange, while the remain­ing Bit­coin had been dis­si­pat­ed beyond trace.

Racheal advanced appli­ca­tions at an urgent ex parte hear­ing on 5th Jan­u­ary 2022 before Mr Jus­tice Lane for:

i) an inter­im injunc­tion to pro­hib­it the removal or dis­pos­al of the trace­able Bitcoin;

ii) a world­wide freez­ing order specif­i­cal­ly pro­hibit­ing the deal­ing in the out­stand­ing Bit­coin in the end wal­let, and assets up to its fiat value;

iii) a Bankers Trust dis­clo­sure order com­pelling Huo­bi to release pay­ment-relat­ed infor­ma­tion to assist with the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of the per­sons unknown con­nect­ed with the end wal­lets traced by MITMARK’s Head of Intel­li­gence, Robert Moore;

iv) report­ing restric­tions to pre­vent tip­ping-off the fraud­sters; and

v) per­mis­sion to serve out of the juris­dic­tion by alter­na­tive means.

All appli­ca­tions were grant­ed in full.

At the return date hear­ing on 20th Jan­u­ary 2022, Racheal secured a fur­ther world­wide freez­ing order, inter­im injunc­tion, and Banker’s Trust dis­clo­sure order, as well as the lift­ing of report­ing restric­tions, and ancil­lary ser­vice orders.
